Products & Prices
In order to use direct subscriptions which are against connected accounts. Your connected account must first have a product and price against it. This may be a fixed product that you create for the connected account, or it may be one you allow them to create themselves (via an endpoint).
Either way, they need a product and price and the below functions allow you to create those against any Stripe Connectable Model.
Note: The Stripe Connectable Model must have been created in stripe before products and prices are added against it. For more information see Connected Accounts.
For this example we will use a store model, and the product will be a monthly warranty support product.
Create a product
Any product data can be included in this function as outlined in the Stripe API Documentation.
Link to stripe product create docs
Editing a product
Getting Products
Single Product
All products for connected account
Create a price
A product must first exist to create a price against it. Any pricing data can be provided to this function as per the Stripe API Documentation
Link to stripe price create docs
Editing a price
Getting prices
Single Price
Get all prices for a product
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